New Medium Density Code to go ahead

30 January 2024

The peak bodies for the architecture profession, the Australian Institute of Architects (the Institute), represented by WA State President Sandy Anghie, and the Association of Consulting Architects (ACA), represented by WA Vice President Kate Fitzgerald, have announced their support for the introduction of the State Government’s new Medium Density Code announced today.

Following the State Government’s deferral of the gazettal of the Medium Density Code last year, there has been considerable activity and discussion on a way forward. The Institute and ACA have actively led the advocacy effort to ensure a resolution and commend the State Government for listening and engaging with all housing leaders to achieve this outcome to help boost the supply of new, diverse housing across WA.

Today’s announcement of a start date with some minor amendments to the Code ensures there are no further constraints on the already challenging supply of housing, while retaining the benefits of the reforms.

“Much of the discussion to date on the new Code has been about improving the quality of design. And that’s important. But it’s only half the story. The other side of the conversation, and something not widely understood, is the diversity of housing – and choice - the new Code enables,” said Ms Anghie.

“There are many architecture businesses, planners and developers with innovative homes designed and ready to go under the new Code. Without the Code, these projects would not have been able to proceed - meaning homes can't be delivered in a market where we desperately need more homes and greater diversity,” said Ms Fitzgerald.

According to ABS Data the average number of occupants in a home is 2.5 people, with an increasing number of lone person households, currently at 25%. Architects have listened to this feedback from households in recent years and advocate that not everyone needs a four bedroom home, or even three. However, here in WA we currently have the greatest proportion of four bedroom homes in the country, at 36% - about 10% higher than other states. What we are lacking is housing diversity that downsizers, multi-generational families and residents with a variety of accessibility needs have been asking for, and this is the opportunity the new Code provides.

In addition to housing choice, design considerations at the heart of the new Code will improve the design quality of urban infill, and also the operational performance of homes saving people money in the long term.

The current R Codes were written almost four decades ago to guide the design of Greenfields single, detached homes and they are a barrier to the supply of smaller, and more diverse types of homes like terraces and townhouses. The R Codes also enabled poorly designed developments – dwellings that are all roof and no garden and these developments have caused statewide tree canopy loss, hotter neighbourhoods and have left residents with homes that are more expensive to run and less liveable than the homes and neighbourhoods we remember. Arguably it is this type of development which has led to negative community sentiments towards medium density in many suburbs.

“The new Code could be the answer to NIMBYism in our existing suburbs,” said Ms Anghie. Items like incentivised retention of mature trees; optimising indoor living spaces through solar orientation; connection to garden; improving sustainability; and consideration of local context and “neighbourliness” will all lead to better design quality.

“The new Code doesn't propose a change in the construction methodology of developments, but it does set out a clear pathway to enable designers, builders and residents to increase the supply of more diverse, well-designed medium density houses which will result in a return to neighbourhoods and homes that are more liveable, cost less to run and provide an improved quality of life”, Ms Fitzgerald said.

The Australian Institute of Architects and the Association of Consulting Architects share the State Government’s view that increasing housing supply is paramount and for this reason commend the introduction of the new Code.


Read Minister Carey’s media release here:
Key planning reform supports more housing delivery | Western Australian Government (

And the Business News story here:
Medium density housing code remixed (


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